Hello, I'm

sarp arslan


Hello! I’m a 21-year-old Computer Engineering student at TED University, with a vibrant passion for software development and technology. My journey in the tech world is fueled by a continuous quest for knowledge and the thrill of applying cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems. With a foundation in both engineering and business administration, I bring a unique blend of analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a keen understanding of the tech industry’s business aspects.

Professional Experience

Karel Electronic Industry and Trade Inc. Internship in Mobile Application Development, Ankara, Turkey, Summer 2023

During my internship, I had the opportunity to contribute to the development of a mobile application designed to streamline workforce management in industrial settings. This project allowed me to delve into digital time tracking and QR code-based attendance systems, enhancing operational efficiency and providing valuable insights into workforce productivity. My role involved ensuring the application’s user-friendliness and reliability, adhering to industrial standards.

Social Activities and Leadership

Google Developer Student Clubs Mobile Team Lead – IEEE TED University Student Branch Computer Society Board Member

As the Mobile Team Lead for the Google Developer Student Clubs at TED University, I spearheaded three events focused on mobile application development. These events were platforms for learning, sharing, and innovating, allowing fellow students to engage deeply with mobile technologies and their applications. My leadership in these activities reflects my commitment to not only advancing my skills but also fostering a community of tech enthusiasts eager to make a difference. I plan to organize events at IEEE – Student Branch as well, which I attended after Google Developer Student Clubs.